Joanne Adducci
‘There is nothing outside of yourself, look within. Everything you want is there. You are That.’ – Rumi
The quote that keeps me going!
Why? Because when I broke, I broke hard. Things got real in June 2015 when I realized that I had been living my life for everyone but me – and I had no idea how to really love mySelf from the ‘inside out’. And if It was really ‘in there’, I was determined to find It. Since then, I’ve been healing my inner (middle) child, stubborn people-pleaser, imbalanced divine masculine & feminine (aka corporate chaos junkie) and so much ancestral trauma – in doing so, I found home.
We are all energy. When we harness that from the ‘inside out’, we will experience ourSelves and our life differently. I have explored, studied and work with many modalities…Breathwork, Firewalking, HeartMath, Reiki, Meditation, Journaling, etc…all experiences, all meant for you to realize, for yourSelf, that you really do have everything you need inside of you – that you ARE all That!
By combining science & spirituality with the healing power of energy work, I #now work as an Experiential Coach, a conduit to guide you home to your highest most authentic Self. Whether we are working 1:1 or in community, with our own life force, our breath, or the elements all around us (fire, water, air, earth, ether) I will guide you to create space that allows you to release stuck emotions, realign and reconnect your heart, mind & body to bring lasting change so that you’re able to move through your days with more grace and ease, confidence and joy.
Certified Breathwork Practitioner, Breath Masters
Certified Firewalk Instructor & Spiritual Leader, Sundoor
Certified Reiki Master
Certified HeartMath Practitioner