
With a diversity of class styles and instructors, we offer something for just about everyone. We offer in-person, online, and on-demand sessions. We’re happy to help you find a class that’s just right for you!

*Please note that not all styles are currently offered as virtual yoga classes. You can view each class via our PDF below and book via our online scheduler.

Our Current Schedule:

Flow Yoga

Also known as Vinyasa Yoga, Flow is the practice of linking breath with movement. Flowing from one pose to another can feel like a moving meditation. Each instructor brings their interpretation of flow to their class, but breath is always the common thread. Come breathe, build strength, increase flexibility, find focus, and have fun!

Slow Flow Yoga

Slow Flow offers yoga sequences at a slower pace giving you the opportunity to explore deeper into the poses. Integrative offerings of Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa, and therapeutic methods will be explored in this class. Emphasis is placed on sensing the pose, transition, and moments of pause from the inside out. This practice asks you to invoke the stillness and evenness of mind while landing more centered points in your body.

Gentle Flow Yoga

Gentle Flow is the slower paced friend to our Flow class. The pace of the class is slowed down to allow students time to go deeper within the pose and their breath. Students who are new to yoga, recovering from injury, or just needing to slow down from their day will feel right at home during this class. 

Yoga for EveryBODY

In accessible yoga all people and all bodies are recognized. All people; regardless of their abilities or background are valued. No two bodies are the same. Variations and the use of props aid the student in order to fit the posture/asana to them and not them to the posture; giving yourself permission to customize your yoga practice. As the teacher I will offer as many options as possible to accommodate where you are at any given time; teaching so that you learn how to tune into your body. The class will incorporate strength building,  breathing techniques to help calm the body, proprioception; where we are in space, flexibility, and mobility. Props: chair, bolster, blocks, blankets, straps, and the wall.

Sound Bath and Theta Clearing

What is a Sound Bath?

Sound Healing uses vibration to evoke shifts in a recipient’s body and auric space (the energy field surrounding the body).  In a sound bath, the body is submerged in a “bath” of vibration, and the response is powerful!   The nervous system settles, tension melts, and the mind shifts into the Theta brainwave, where the subconscious mind resides. It’s in this theta brainwave where all the magic of meditation resides:  peace and ease, improved immunity, the release of those happy hormones like oxytocin, and an overall sense of wellbeing.   The instruments (Gong, Crystal/Tibetan singing bowls, and more) create a meditative and deeply restorative space for transformational growth from within.  This luminal space allows for new awarenesses and clarities, including the subconscious patterns and limiting beliefs waiting to be released.  

What is Theta Healing?
Theta Healing is the tapping into and clearing of subconscious patterns and blocks that hold you apart from your highest and best good.  During the sound bath, and while in the Theta brainwave state, Krista will clear these patterns and blocks.    Once the clearing is complete, Krista fills this newfound space with downloads of everything that is good: unconditional love, trust in self, the vibrations of joy and perfect health to name a few. This allows one to operate from a new place of freedom!

If you’ve been feeling like something’s been holding you back from stepping into your joy and pure potential, this is the event for you. 

Yin Yoga

Yin is a yummy practice designed to unwind tension in the body, work into deep muscle and connective tissues, and slip into a meditative state by holding poses over a longer period of time. Time is given to move from each posture with ease and care to allow the nervous system to fully unwind. Yin postures are typically seated or reclined, and supported with a variety of props. 

Mindful Yoga

In this mindful, slower paced yoga practice movements are brought in to connect the body and mind. Linking movement to breath we: align, strengthen and balance. Movements include: seated, kneeling, prone, and supine, with some standing postures. We practice together to bring in our body’s range of motion: twists, forward folds, backbends, lateral extensions and hip openers. A variety of pranayama breathing techniques and meditative time are also brought in. One can also expect an emphasis on simplicity, repetition, and ease of movement. Helpful props are brought in-folded blankets, yoga blocks, and straps. Each class begins and ends with a quiet meditative reflection.

Thursday Community Yoga

Join us in-person at Wishing Tree or online from the comfort of your home. This weekly FREE or by-donation class gives back to the community by providing a free all-levels yoga class and raising funds for area charities, which are chosen every other month by class members. Suggested donation for Good Karma classes is $3-$5, as you are able.

SomaYoga – Restorative

Invite more space into your body, mind and heart with this restorative yoga class. Soma (“Living Body”) Yoga Restore gives you the opportunity to gain a sense for physical restoration. To start class we engage with gentle somatic movements, and then ease into supported resting postures. Attending to the release of subtle physical patterns first allows you to feel more spacious in restorative poses. You can expect the use of bolsters, blocks and blankets during this floor-based practice. Guided meditation, body relaxation scans, and yoga nidra may be woven in.

Mat Pilates

Named after Joseph Pilates, “Pilates” is a method of exercise that consists of core strengthening and low-impact muscular endurance and flexibility movements. Proper postural alignment, breathing, core strength and muscle balance are emphasized, and precision of movement is stressed over number of repetitions.   Joseph Pilates developed the basic Pilates exercises and a variety of Pilates equipment in the 1920s. Only a mat and a towel are needed for this class.

Breathe in Balance

A regenerative breathwork journey is safe for everyone and a beautiful place from which to begin or even continue on the path of your own breathwork practice. This weekly experience is for you to take time for yourSelf and create the space needed to anchor in peace, stay balanced with and connected to your higher Self as you dive into the days ahead. The more you work with your own life force, your breath, the more you will come to realize that this peace, balance and connection are always available to you! Each week will have an energetically aligned theme as you are guided along with a specifically curated music playlist. The benefits of this journey are many:

  • it works to rewire your brain for the rhythmic pattern of LSD breathing (low, slow and deep)
  • it’s good for emotional processing
  • it’s very grounding and deeply relaxing
  • it balances the nervous system
  • it activates homeostasis

You will be guided through 3 nasal breathing patterns for about 45 minutes. I have the session scheduled to allow everyone time to get settled in, experience and share when we are done.

Book your next class with us

Ready to take your practice to the next level?


Pick the best way yoga works for you!
Book through our online platform, Wellness Living.

Single Class Drop-In




  • Available for use in studio or online
  • Any regular scheduled live, blended and virtual classes

Class Passes




  • 10 Classes $150 ($15/class)
  • 20 Classes $250 ($12.50/class)
  • 30 Classes $330 ($11.00/class)
  • 40 Classes $400 ($10/class)

Unlimited Monthly Membership




  • All regularly scheduled live, blended and virtual classes
  • After February 14, 2023, unlimited membership will be $89